Welcome to the Eleftheria Pancyprian Soccer Club directory of Companies and Services of our Parents. This is way for our community of parents to promote their company and services to the EPSC Community.

Welcome to the Eleftheria Pancyprian Soccer Club directory of Companies and Services of our Parents. This is a way for our community of parents to promote their companies and services to the EPSC Community. This community is only open to the parents of currently registered EPSC players, EPSC administrators, directors, and coaches.

Joining is free. Click on ADD ENTRY to get started with adding your business.

Please note: We want to create a friendly and tolerant community that is safe for everyone. Please don't add anything that infringes on other people's copyright, violates any laws, includes images of an exploitative or sexual nature, promotes hate speech or intolerance or discriminates against groups or individuals based on their gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Thanks!