Eleftheria Pancyprian Soccer Club

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Our Commitment to Safe and Secure Environment for Our Minor Athletes

As we kick off another exciting season, I want to take a moment to address an important aspect of our club’s operations that directly affects the safety and well-being of our young athletes. Eleftheria Pancyprian Soccer Club (EPSC) is fully aligned with the U.S. Center for SafeSport and is committed to adhering to all Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP). These policies are designed to ensure that all minor athletes can participate in soccer within a safe and secure environment, free from emotional, physical, and sexual misconduct.

What Parents Should Know:

  1. Education & Training: All adult participants with regular contact or authority over minor athletes are required to complete the SafeSport Trained Core training. This training educates adults on how to recognize, prevent, and respond to potential abuse situations. Parents are encouraged to take the free online training offered by the U.S. Center for SafeSport to understand the boundaries and safety measures in place for their children.

  2. One-on-One Interactions: All one-on-one interactions between an adult and a minor athlete must be observable and interruptible unless under specific exceptions (e.g., close-in-age exemptions). Parents can consent to certain interactions, but it’s recommended that they first complete abuse prevention training to make informed decisions.

  3. Electronic Communications: All electronic communications between an adult and a minor athlete must include another adult or the minor athlete’s parent/guardian to ensure transparency. At EPSC we communicate with our players through LeagueApps which ensure that parents and players are messaged together. An EPSC coach, manager and administrator will not text your child directly without including a parent and/or an additional coach, manager or administrator.

  4. Travel and Lodging: One-on-one transportation and lodging between an EPSC coach, manager and administrator and a minor athlete are only permitted under strict conditions which must include written parental consent and observability.

  5. Reporting Mechanisms: Our reporting mechanism for any suspected violations of these policies is to contact us directly. All reports will be thoroughly investigated by our EPSC administration and appropriate actions will be taken to ensure compliance with MAAPP which include reporting to U.S. Soccer.

The Parent’s Role:

As parents, your role is vital in maintaining the safety and well-being of our young athletes. Here’s how you can contribute:

  1. Stay InformedComplete the SafeSport parent training to familiarize yourself with the policies and recognize potential risks.

  2. Active Communication: Keep an open line of communication with your child and the club. Encourage your child to speak up if they ever feel uncomfortable or if they observe any concerning behavior.

  3. Consent and Monitoring: Provide informed consent for one-on-one interactions, training sessions, and travel arrangements. Whenever possible, monitor these interactions or ensure another trusted adult is present.

  4. Set Clear Boundaries: Reinforce the importance of boundaries with your child, both in physical spaces and in digital communications like texting and social media.

  5. Report Concerns: If you observe any behavior that concerns you or if your child reports anything troubling, don’t hesitate to contact us directly. Your vigilance helps us maintain a safe environment for all athletes.

By actively participating in these processes, you play a crucial role in upholding the safety standards that allow our athletes to thrive both on and off the field.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the Eleftheria Pancyprian Soccer Club.